Tzu Chi Atlanta
2000 Clear View
Avenue, Suite100
Atlanta GA 30340
TEL (770)458-1000
慈濟志工活動預告 ~透過活動,傳遞愛~
2013 慈濟亞特蘭大支會 十月份活動行事曆
2013 慈濟亞特蘭大支會 十月份活動行事曆
Tzu Chi Atlanta
October Calendar
大家好! 在此要跟大家預告10月份的慈濟志工活動:
10月份:培訓課程 - 發心立願-菩薩廣行無量義; 2014年培訓辦法、年度企劃及接受培訓、見習報名
慈誠委員 (像獅子般勇猛精進、再精進!)
志工 (因緣具足e生無量)
報名資格: (歡迎已經畢業慈青學長報名)
【見習委員、慈誠資格:現穿灰天、白褲志工服者 】
時間:10/5/2013 (SAT) 10:15 AM
– 12:30 PM
時 間
課 程 內 容
上人開示: 人間菩提
* 已報名2013年度培訓慈誠、委員師兄、師姊請盡量參加。
* 歡迎欲報名2014年度培訓或見習委員、慈誠之師兄、師姊參加。
* 請各協力組隊長、正、副互愛組長、和氣、副和氣長參加陪伴。
請與會師兄、師姊可自備ㄧ道拿手菜與大家分享。 記得攜帶環保餐具。
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讀書會 Book Study Club
參加對象: 歡迎十方大德踴躍參加。
(Sun.) 2PM – 3:30PM
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Mobile Food Pantry : 9AM - 12PM
Tzu Chi volunteers are needed to help with the Mobile Food Pantry. Many seniors go without fresh fruit and vegetables; volunteers set up a mobile pantry to fill that gap. Volunteers will help us set-up the pantry, distribute food, and help seniors with selecting produce and getting their choices to their homes. The Mobile Food Pantry is first Wednesday from 9AM-12PM. Volunteers for Mobile Pantry, please contact Teresa Wu 678-900-2908
Tzu Chi volunteers are needed to help with the Mobile Food Pantry. Many seniors go without fresh fruit and vegetables; volunteers set up a mobile pantry to fill that gap. Volunteers will help us set-up the pantry, distribute food, and help seniors with selecting produce and getting their choices to their homes. The Mobile Food Pantry is first Wednesday from 9AM-12PM. Volunteers for Mobile Pantry, please contact Teresa Wu 678-900-2908
Time: 10/9/2013 9AM - 12PM
Location: Collins Memorial Church (10-15 volunteers)
Address: 2220 Bolton Road, Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Location: Collins Memorial Church (10-15 volunteers)
Address: 2220 Bolton Road, Atlanta, Ga. 30318
慈青半日精進培訓 Tzu
Ching Training Seminar
Session will provide Tzu Ching with the understanding of Tzu
Ching’s missions, culture, values as well as the sharing of Master’s Teaching, a
standardized set of Tzu Ching’s etiquette and protocols as a way of
self-cultivation and to uphold the image of Tzu Ching. Please
contact Sister Annie Sun for more information.
Time: 10/19/2013
Location: 支會佛堂
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Tzu Chi volunteers are participating at Product Rescue
Center to inspect, sort
and pack the goods to serve the community. Volunteer Safety Guidelines
for Clothing:All volunteers must wear closed-toed shoes. Ages: 8 years old and
older. Adults must accompany high school age and younger.
Please contact Tzu Chi Coordinator : Phil Wu and
Teresa Wu
時間:10/19/2012 (Sat.)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Community Food Bank
732 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., N.W. Atlanta, Ga 30318
732 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., N.W. Atlanta, Ga 30318
Nursing Home 。行善及行孝不能等, 邀請志工大德一起抱著感恩心, 給予像家人般的關懷, 耐心陪伴, 用心聆聽, 話家常,與院裡的耆老互動。
劉安仁師兄將承擔統籌與4個協力組隊志工相互配合, 十月份請協力四組長朱盛林師兄協助。
Tzu Chi Volunteers will visit Tucker Nursing home to bring
comfort and joy to nursing home residents.
參加對象: 慈誠委員、志工、慈青、人文學校老師、學生、家長。
時間:10/20/2013 (Sun.)
2:30PM – 3:30PM ﹝Carpool 2PM 於會所集合﹞
Health-Care Center - Tucker,
2165 Idlewood
Rd, Tucker, GA 30084
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每個月兩次﹝第二、第四週日﹞讀書會<慈悲三昧水懺>, 邀請大家的參與, 入經藏水懺讀書會+
手語教學共修 。 讀的內容是《慈悲三昧水懺講記》 (下篇)。
Water Repentance book study group, will meet twice a month:
every second and fourth Sundays.
參加對象: 歡迎十方大德踴躍參加。
(Sun.) 2PM – 3:30PM
// 社推課程
// 啟發善念、快樂學習、生活有智慧~
每週日,上 10:30 點 —12:00, 於瑜伽教室。
每週三晚上 7點至8點半, 於慈濟會所。
Jing-Si Aphorism:
Gratitude is the world's most beautiful language and the most genuine way for people to interact.
- Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen -
Gratitude is the world's most beautiful language and the most genuine way for people to interact.
- Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen -
真誠付大愛 青春更光彩
感恩所有課務組的同仁給我的幫助,希望以後再見面的時候,我能是一個更出色的Leader, 也希望如果以後還能一起共事,我能更多地幫助別人而不是讓別人幫助我。
Reflections from the 2013 US TCCA
Leadership Conference:
One Family One World
By: Allen Chang (張祐瑄) –
year, I had the privilege of attending the 2013 US
Tzu Chi Collegiate Association (TCCA, aka, Tzu Ching) Leadership
Conference at the Tzu Chi National Headquarters in San Dimas,
California. Thanks to the generosity of a certain師姑(SG)
and 師伯 (SB) I was able to have
one of the most unique experiences of my life. 感恩。From
the outset, I knew that the conference would be comprised of Tzu Chi members
from all over the United
However, I was still surprised at just how many young people there
were. Having come from Atlanta,
where the Tzu Ching base seemed to be practically non-existent growing up, it
was a pleasant surprise to see how developed the Tzu Ching membership of other
states were. There were over 300 attendees this year, so I would say roughly
200 of them were students, ranging from 16 to 25 (and various alumni who might
be slightly older).
Chi, as an organization, has strong Buddhist roots, which is incorporated into
almost each and every activity that takes place at Tzu Chi events. However, unsurprisingly, most of the students
are not Buddhist, and many who come from China have never been so close to
religion before. And yet, somehow, they
are happy to be Tzu Ching, happy to spend their time helping others, happy to
accept the teachings of Master Cheng Yen, and happy to help strengthen the Tzu
Chi family. Why is this so? Well, I believe it is precisely this concept
of family that resonates so strongly
within all these young Tzu Ching. Furthermore, the lessons that Tzu Chi tries
to impart upon the new Tzu Ching, in a general sense, are able to be learned
regardless of whether or not one is Buddhist.
They are simply lessons to become better people, better leaders.
As for the conference
itself, it certainly was a unique experience.
Even though we woke up very early (around 5am every day) and slept very
late (personally I often slept around 1 or 2 am), I never felt like complaining
about the schedule of the conference.
One morning, we all gathered outside very early to chant a mantra. With almost no preparation or practice
beforehand, a large group comprised of all the students and several SG/SB were
able to successfully complete the mantra (which took about an hour). Not only was it refreshing to try and clear
your mind while chanting, it was refreshing to see the unity and cohesiveness
of the group. Additionally, it was
refreshing to get out and breathe the morning air and see the sun rise (I would
suggest bringing a jacket though, as it was a bit chilly).
The most memorable part of
the conference for me was getting to meet many amazing people. Everyone was
friendly and enthusiastic. The
collective energy of the group made the early mornings and late nights more
bearable for everyone. I noticed that
many people were close friends, all because of this camp and previous Tzu Chi
activities. Even if two people were from
opposite sides of the United
States, a couple interactions at national
Tzu Chi conferences were enough to make them feel like siblings! To me, this truly exemplified One Family
motto that Tzu Chi touted. I marveled
and appreciated all of the meaningful relationships that I observed, and was
extremely glad to be able to make some of my own. Additionally, the conference
had many memorable speakers, and through their presentations, the attendees
were able to both see the global impact of Tzu Chi's efforts and learn about
the available career paths that Tzu Chi offers.
I believe this camp was a
great experience, and encourage anyone who is interested to try and attend next
year. Maybe we will become friends...or better yet, family.
A few thoughts from
TCCA conference
- Jason Jiang (姜曦棟) – Emory大學慈青
Last week I attended 2013 Tzu Chi US TCCA (Tzu Chi
Collegiate Association) Leadership Conference in San Dimas. The conference was attended by
300+ 師姑(SGs), 師伯(SBs), 學長(Alumni)
and 慈青 (Tzu Chings, TCs). And it
was really a great experience.
I learned a lot from various classes in the conference and
met and made friends with many wonderful Tzu Chings from other chapters as
well. I actually arrived at the campsite one day earlier than most other
attendees and thus had the chance to participate in the pre-camp and see how
Tzu Chi SGs and SBs and Tzu Ching staff prepared for the formal camp for the
next day. As a bonus of the pre-camp attendees, we got up at 5:15 in the
morning to attend the Morning Study (晨鐘起熏法香).
I spent a whole hour kneeling down and singing some Buddha songs which I, even
as a native Chinese, could not fully understand.
At first I felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous because I
had never attended such event before and honestly, I was pretty new to Tzu
Ching as a member compared to other people. But just several hours later, I
began to love this place. Everyone there was so kind and humble. They knew that
I’m an earlier attendee and thus kept asking me if I needed any help and were
all patiently answering all the questions I asked. When I asked one SG if there
was something I could help with, she kept thanking me for that and carefully
taught me how to help others check in. I have to admit it was the first time I
went to a place and the people there would immediately treat me (and others)
like family.
The schedule in the camp was pretty intensive. I really
enjoyed most activities and classes. I especially like the speeches from Joe
Huang (晟浩學長) and Sixian SB (思賢師伯). They were
giving speech both on the topic of “Think Globally Act Locally” and these two
speeches really inspired me. They taught me how to be mindful, humble, and care
for others.
I was also touched by the charity Tzu Chi did for the
Hurricane Sandy in New York/New Jersey. During the time when the hurricane
occurred, since I was in Far south in Georgia, I could not really feel
how serious and disastrous the hurricane was. All I knew were the pictures and
articles from the newspaper describing how heavy the rain and wind were and how
many structures were destroyed. Honestly I never realized that so many people
suffered the hurricane and lost their home. At this very moment, Tzu Chi
volunteers from all part of the State gathered in New York and helped them. I was really moved
when I saw the picture that the Tzu Chi volunteers bowed such low when the
victims were thanking them. That moment I could feel the true Tzu Chi spirit
and was very touched by it.
To sum up, the busy life in the camp was really meaningful;
the program was comprehensive and well put together; the staff was very
thoughtful. If possible, I would definitely attend it again.
By: Tiffany Wu (吳姿瑩) - UGA 大學慈青
Attending the 2013 TCCA Leadership conference was an
experience like no other. Seeing over 300 Tzu Chi members come together for the
same cause is truly touching; I feel like I was reunited with my family. Even
though there were so many new people, everyone was very warm and welcoming;
we've created a family to last a lifetime. Not only was it amazing to see
people from all over the U.S.
come together, knowing everyone was there to help and make a change in the
world made me feel even stronger inside. I've learned that it only takes one
person to step up and decide that they want to create a better future. All it
takes is motivation and if we put our heart in it, we can make anything happen.
One thing that really stuck with me that I learned from the conference was the
phrase, "If not me, then who? If not now, then when?" I carry this
with me every day now, being sure to have confidence to stand up for what is
right and do what I can to better not only myself, but also the people around me.
I won't wait for someone else to start something, instead, I know I can go
forward and begin my journey and that I will have those who care about me
support me and guide me along the way.
Quick Link
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Questions or comments? E-mail us at tzuchi.ga.atlanta@gmail.com or call 770-458-1000